Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Just wanted to give you a quick update. We had a sonogram today and everything looks wonderful! Addi is doing fantastic. We saw movement in both feet, knees and hips today! Praise God!!! The hydrochep. is maintaining, it at least hasn't grown anymore. We are still keeping the water on the brain in prayer. I know that God has plan, but it awful hard to be patient. :) Please continue to keep in your prayers the water on the brain. We could also see the incision on Addi's back, and it look great as well. Still held together, very smooth and small.

Every week they will score Addi physically on a scale of 1-8. The scale is based of a variety of things such as the movement of feet, ankles, knees, hips, arm movement, heart rate, lungs, etc. ADDI HAS SCORED AN 8 OUT OF 8!!!! TWICE!!! Today and Saturday when they let us out of the hospital. The power of prayer is amazing! The nurse and doctor said today that they haven't seen anyone, mom or baby ever do so well so quickly!!

I haven't had to use any pain medication for a couple of days now so I think that is a great sign.Although I miss Matt, my mom is doing a great job. Mom did get one wheel of the wheelchair stuck in the grass. I guess she was trying to go off-roading. Hope everyone's day is going well. Thank you for your prayers and support. We would not be where we are without you and your love!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Love Matt, Valerie, & Addi

1 comment:

jes said...

absolutely amazing...the power of prayer is miraculous, ask and you shall receive. your journey may be long but with out trials many things may not be learned, keep your awesome faith it is an will be in our prayers as well, what a sweet family.