Thursday, August 20, 2009

We are back home now, thankfully. It was nice to get away and spend time together but always nice to be home. We had quite a few days, but Addi was a trooper all the way through it. We did find out that Addi had an infection in her bladder so we were unable to have one of the tests completed which means we will have to go back to Nashville in a month. The doctors are unsure if this infection is just a fluke or if it is an indication of her bladder not emptying completly due to spina bifida. The test that we will go back for in a month will tell us more. Our prayer is that this infection is just a one time thing that happened, nothing more.

On a more positive note, Addi had an evaluation with the Early Education Center (Dana who works with Addi for physical therapy). Addi's cognitive, fine motor, and speech skills are right where they need to be NOT adjusting for her age. YEAH!!!! Praise God!!

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