Saturday, August 15, 2009

It has been a hectic and joy filled summer so far. Seeing Addi grow and get stronger each day reminds of the blessing she is and how blessed we are that our heavenly father chose us to be her parents. I could never fully express the love I have for her! How lucky can I be to be able to spend each day with her. We are equally blessed that Matt works so hard to provide for us.
So........since I have last blogged our little one has finally found forward gear. Yea!!!!! Who knew I could get so excited?!??! Pretty awesome in my book.
I do ask for your continued prayers for her. We head to Nashville tomorrow to start testing with Addi. Nothing is wrong with her, the study that we were a part of when she was born requires us to come back for visits at 12 and 30 months non adjusted age. Physical, developmental testing, sedated MRI among other things. I know that God has lead us thus far and won't leave us now, but it still scary. Guess I shouldn't be an overprotective mom hun?
My prayer is that any fear that Addi has during all of this will be pushed aside and that she will feel the comfort and protection of the Lord. I also pray that God gives me comfort and strength to be faithful in knowing that He is watching over us. As we have seen before His power is mighty! I pray that the Lord will lead us to kind and compassionate doctors and nurses as he did before.

I can't for them to see truly what a miracle our little Addi is.
I will try to have daily updates while we are there. Matt is trying to keep me up-to- date with technology this year, he got me a phone with Internet for my birthday. No excuses now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Please know my prayers and my thoughts are there with you.
Blessings always,
Janie B.