So I know that it has been a long time since my last post. It has been busy as I am sure that it has been for everyone else. A lot has happen since the last then.
Addi has been doing well in her physical therapy meetings with Dayna. We had a wonderful Thanksgiving with both sides of the family. We did have to miss Thanksgiving at my Grandma's house in Clifton because Addi had a touch of the flu. Between Matt being sick and Addi being sick, as a mother and a wife, I am not sure which is worse. he, he, he
Last Thursday we had an exciting venture, Matt and I headed to KC to Children's Mercy for a follow up urology apptoinment. On the way, the transfer case on the expedition decided to go out. Addi also started having one of her episodes of her 'flu' like symptoms. (Three within a month, we were starting to figure out the doctors were leading us in the wrong direction telling us it was the flu.) So, with lots of phone calls-we continued to KC in Matt's grandma's car. THANK YOU DONNA! Not for the urology appt., by the way we missed, but doctors there had concern that Addi's shunt was having intermitin failure. After a traffic jam and being stopped in traffic, we finally made it to the ER at Children's Mercy. After a two hour wait, we were finally in to see a doctor. Praise God, after a CT Scan and a shunt series (x-ray of the shunt tubing), doctors told us that the shunt was still functioning great. Both of her ventricles have actually come down in size from when the shunt was first put in. Isn't God good?!?!?!
As far as the irriatabilty, crying, throwing up-they told us she had caught the flu virus again. So....home we came after a 30 minute detour on the outskirts of Kansas City. Between trying to help Matt follow road signs and look for deer in the dark and try to console a crying baby in a car seat, I wasn't for sure wether to laugh or cry. We made it home safely at 1:30 am.
Next morning at 9:30 am we were able to get into our peditrician here in Hutch. Who is great!! She had radiology run some x-rays on Addi's esophagus, stomach, and so on to make sure that there wasn't any blockages. We now know that Addi has really bad acid reflux. Poor baby!
She is now doing better. Matt has been our great go to guy!! We are finally able to put her down without her crying. Although I do have to admit, I am enjoying the cuddle time with Addi. Nothing feels better than her soft little face pressed up against mine. We did manage a few smiles and were able to grab and kick our ducks in the tubby tonight.
So after four night of no sleep, we are hoping that tonight brings a very restfull slumber.
Matt has been busy pushing snow early the morning and today. We received 4 inches of a dry, fluffy snow. It was really pretty watching from the windows. As I was informed by was COLD!
We are looking forward to finally getting to see my extended family in Clifton on Sunday to celebrate Christmas. Christmas Eve with Matt's family and Christmas Day with my immediate family.
Matthew, my youngest brother also graduated from Lineman School last Saturday in Manhattan, which we missed due to Addi and Matt's sickness. Sorry Matthew! We are VERY PROUD of you!!!
Oh, Addi also had her first couple bites of cereal tonight. Which she actually seemed to enjoy.
Just a follow up on the families that I have been listing on the blog...
Karson Schierling is doing well. He is finished with his third round of chemo and his latest MRI came back clean. Karson will also be a big brother in July.
Our other friends here in KS, that were pregant with a little boy who had multiple health problems, delivered Michael Tuesday of last week. Michael lived 1 1/2 hrs. then went to see his heavenly father. They say that Michael looked just like his dad.
Thank you for your continued prayers!! We love you!