Hello everyone-
We have had a very busy and wonderful past couple of weeks. I would have updated a little bit sooner, but Matt just got the internet hooked back up late last night for me.
We did get home late last Monday afternoon. After a very eventful trip home, we finally made it. Addi did very well on the airplane ride home, sleeping the whole way. I will have to post details of our very humorous trip home a little bit later when I get a few more minutes. Pretty funny!!!!
I am enjoying every minute of newly remodeled home and getting to spend time just looking at Addi. Something I would have been able to do without the help of our friends and neighbors!!!
Addi is doing wonderful as ever. She is gaining weight and is now above her birth weight. In fact, she has quite the little double chin going on right now. :)
She is letting us get a little bit of rest at night but letting us know that she is now part of the family. Addi loves getting a bath and loves having Matt wash her hair.
Matt has been busy farming, trying to play catch-up. I will get some pictures posted soon!!!
Thanks again for everyone's prayers and support!
We love you!!
Matt, Valerie, Addi