Tuesday, January 13, 2009

So, I guess this post is more about me than Addi-Sorry!
A friend of Matt's Grandma gave us a wonderful gift for Addi when she was born. A Childrens Bible with 365 stories, one for each day of the year. Everyday before Addi's nap, I have been trying to read a couple of stories to her. Knowing when I started this, that she was too young to understand the meaning of the words. What I wasn't expecting was to learn a lot about myself and the bible. I am finding out that I didn't know very much at all about what was in the Bible. How sad is it of me that I thought I had pretty good grip on things?!?! I mean, I had read the bible some of what I didn't really have a firm grasp on but I thought I understood well enough. I have been so interested to learn more that I think I have left Addi out of a few stories. I guess I just feel bad that it took a Childrens Bible to break it down for me to be able to understand. Then it makes me wonder what I am missing that isn't in the Childrens Bible. It has made me reflect and think about the things that I have done. Not all of which have been good memories.
For those that I have been selfish, mean spirited, hard hearted, controling, unwilling to help, unthoughtful, pushed you aside to get what I wanted..... I am truly sorry from the bottom of my heart. Please forgive me.
The neat thing is that I can pin point many, many times that God had his loving hands wrapped around me and my family.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Not much going on this week. Addi has been fighting a little bit of a stomach virus but praise God nothing major. She is fine and still in her usual happy self. This week she has learned how to blow raspberries. Consistently blowing them all the time, and I mean all the time. When we eat cereal (how can get mad when she blows it in your face when she is so cute!?!?!?!), when she wakes up in the morning, when she takes a bath....non stop for this new found talent. She has started talking and blowing raspberries in the morning when she wakes up. God definitely sent her to us to make sure that when are praising him always. I don't think we could ever wake up on the wrong side of the bed after hearing Addi through the monitor. It just brings a smile to our faces, a good chuckle to start the morning, and a PRAISE GOD-THANK YOU JESUS for all the blessings. I couldn't think of a better way to wake up!!! PRAISE YOU HEAVENLY FATHER!!